Sunday, April 1, 2012

When emptiness fills...

My world’s lost its colors n hues, it’s all a shade of grey,
Roses don’t have fragrances, red from blue I cannot say,
Words remain scattered, detached from their substances
Some things that used to give joy, are now just happenstances

Like food to an ailing man, living has lost its flavour,
I make effort but there’s no passion in my endeavour,
The morning has lost its luster, my evening not fuller,
The sun makes way for the dark, my hopes grow duller

Now, she uses her words with deal and forethought,
Her actions are measured, replies with sobriety fraught,
The glitter in her eye is gone, her smile has simply faded,
She says it’s all fine, but with anxiety and worry she’s jaded

My words that used to give her thrill, now give her a shiver,
Today, when I point at the stars, she only sees my finger,
Spark in the conversations is missing, banter is unduly refined,
What fate has befallen me! What direction this, she has defined?

Was I dreaming a dream then or am I in one now, again,
Why does life circle me back, right to where I once began,
How many times should I learn the same lessons, still,
That I cannot find fulfillment in moments emptiness fills.


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