Thursday, November 15, 2012

Sweet Memory: A Curse In Disguise (/When I Lost My Muse)

As the chirping of birds dies down
Making way to the drone of cicadas
I wake up from my slumber
Opening my eyes to the deep purple above
Blanket of sombre the sun leaves behind
I look around, I am alone; she is gone,
Is she gone? Or did I only live a dream?
I remember we played in the sun
Mocking his attempt to curb our exploit
The grass around me looks slept on
The stream we swam together in, is still there
Her scent fades around me; so, it wasn’t be a dream
 ‘Twasn’t just a day, wasn’t a week or a month,
She spent spring and summer with me here
Why then, pray, she’s left me now?
I resent that I know where this scene is going
While I look back and reminisce; I feel
The fluttering away of moments spent in bliss
In the company of the one too familiar to be a stranger
I see the distance growing, the path we trod filling up
With new grass, obscuring our path to each other
Is the memory of bliss a curse or a blessing?
For it brings a smile to the lips but a pain to the heart
For it's the knowing that you are growing apart.

- Gowrish

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